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About Us
Kenneth Lewis received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 1966 and a Masters in International
Management from the American Graduate School of International Management in 1979. Ken has been Project Manager for over 30 stormwater
master plans and flood control projects in the US, Australia and Malaysia. He has served as a Principal Faculty for APWA and ASCE
stormwater workshops and has also served as a member of a US National Flood and Software Committees to provide technical direction
for FEMA’s HAZUS software.
1966 to 1969 - Civil Engineering Assistant for the Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, California.
to 1972 - Project Engineer for Sinclair Knght and Partners, Sydney, Australia. In this capacity Ken prepared numerous stormwater master
plans throughout NSW, Australia.
1972 to 1974 - Flood Mitigation Engineer, Pahang River Basin Study, Pahang, Malaysia. This project
was an Australian aid project for the Government of Malaysia. Primary responsibilities included preparing stormwater master plans
and flood control projects for major cities in Pahang, Malaysia.
1974 to 1978 - Manager, Malaysia. In 1974 Ken established a new Urban
Drainage Unit for the Government of Malaysia. His duties included training new engineers in urban drainage, preparing drainage standards
and procedures and developing stormwater master plans for major cities in Malaysia.
1979 to 1984 - Following his Master's degree in
International Management in 1979, Ken was appointed Manager of Planning for Ingersoll Rand Machinery Company in London, England. In
this position, he was responsible for preparing strategic plans for the company's operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
to 1994 - After returning to the States in 1984, Ken was a Senior Engineer and Director of GIS for Boyle Engineering Corporation.
Over the next ten years, he was responsible for providing company wide development, training and support for System Modeling and GIS
1994 to Present - In 1994 Ken established KVL Consultants, Inc. specializing in preparing stormwater master plans and developing
software to automate the master planning process.
Ken is married with three children. Outside of work he is a competitive triathlete
and also a USAT Certified Coach.